Software Development
Your software solution based on Security by Design methods.

Your partner for security software development

It is our priority to cover the needs of industry and international safety standards. Our development team is responsible for making the applications and services reliable to guarantee the security of the processed data.
Are you planning a project that combines security requirements and a sustainable partnership? Contact us.


Identity Management

In a connected world digital identities are the key to services, data and processes. Therefore, it is important to protect them effectively against abuse and manipulation.


The implementation of cryptographic procedures assures data resistance to unauthorized reading and manipulation. Exchange your data securely.


Security by Design

From the beginning to the end of the development process the solution is designed by secure methods to mitigate attack vector.

Security Partner

Fraunhofer AISEC
Development of common security concepts.
Hasso Plattner Institut
Joint research on safe, simple and productive solutions for the digital workplace.
Deutsche Telekom
Open Telekom Cloud
Utilisation of security data centers with strict data protection guidelines in accordance with GDPR.

Chosen Projects

An interactive access control solution.

App-Development (Swift & Java)
Web-Development (React Native, Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenSSL)
Embedded Development (C++, C, Rust)
PCB Design (EAGLE)
Data Science (Python, scikit-learn)
Access Control Implementation (OSDP, LDAP, SAML, SCIM)
A secure cloud solution based on Redundant Array of Independent Clouds (RAIC).

Plattform-Development with Qt (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
Integration in NTFS, APFS, HFS+ und ext4
Web-Development (ReactJS)
Microservice Architecture in Backend​ (Java, Spring Boot)
Cloud-Environment with Docker and Kubernetes
Utilisation and Extension of the Crypto library Botan
luca enables encrypted, anonymized and data privacy compliant contact tracing trough direct data exchange with German health departments. This enables a fast and seamless reduction of infection chains.

App-Development (Swift & Java)
Web-Development (React, Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes)
Public Key Infrastructur (PKI)
KBLS - Quantum Cryptography
Participation in a research project to find a secure quantum computer-resistant cryptography methods togehter with well-known institutes and companies from the cyber security industry.

Crypto library (Botan)​
Embedded Development (C++​)
Trusted Platform Modules​
OS internals
More Expertise
Any Questions?
Contact us.
Harald Fladischer
Commercial Director
Daniela Schluckebier
Project Manager